Amazing Cite Baby Seal
Seals are some of the best marine animals as far as whamming is concerned. When you talk of the seals, there are no better soldiers other than the navy seals who have earned their respect from these beautiful elegant strong swimmers which can be able to cope up with many different conditions while out there in the sea and on land.
Most of the seal in different parts of the world are found in colder waters around the world such as in Canada, Alaska Russia and Greenland. As far s these seals are concerned, the different types of seal species sometimes change their natural habitat and move to areas where there is plenty of seal food in coastal waters of many of the beaches around the colder regions with plenty of breeding ground with less competition for food and other wild animals which can be a danger to the seal and their offspring as well.
The main predators of the seal are mostly the white bear or the polar bears and sharks. Since man has been able to concur the wilderness, man has also managed to concur the seal habitat as well. He has been able to harvest seals from the waters and also managed to kill seals when they come ashore to rest. With the continuous competition for seal products has always put man on the forefront as one of the biggest predators to seals and one of the biggest predators for animals in the colder region as well
Seals are animals which eat meat. Day in day out seals will search and hunt for fish of any kind which is one of their best food. As far as other kinds of food which seals feed on, seals also find squids to be part of their menu as well while others could include shrimps and crabs. On the other hand with different varieties of seal species, the leopard seal is just at home and this kind of seal will eat not only fish but other small animals such as penguins bird which might be hanging along the beach or nesting as well.
Seals are some of the most amazing animals which like water. These beautiful animals spend most of their time just moving around in water. When the time to give birth comes along, the mother seal‘s gestation period is about 11 months. By the end of the gestation period for the seal which might go up to one year, the baby seals are always born on dry land and nature takes its course. These beautiful baby seals or seal pups amazingly can be able to swim just a few hours after birth. If a baby elephant is able to walk just after birth why not a baby seal. Amazing! Growing up seals are always fascinated by the water and the waves, these beautiful baby seals will grow up during the spring and enjoy the warm weather of the summer months making the best of what is available both on land and at sea. 
As far as the age of the seal is concerned, many seals live until the age of 20 if they are lucky to live that long in their natural habitat. While other seal species also live for few years, these animals are always at the mercy of the ocean predators and the food chain which makes seals number one among the food chain of the sharks. With such a puzzle for the seals, its always at the mercy of nature and the continuation of generation of the existing seal species to carry on their legacy hopping for conditions to improve where possible in their natural habitat which will have little changes which are almost to non- Those who read about seals also liked The endangered green turtles
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