The Baby Chimpanzee

The Young Chimpanzee

Swahili Name:  Sokwe Mtu
Scientific Name:            Pan troglodytes
Size:     3 to 41/2 feet tall standing bipedal
Weight: 55 to 110 pounds
Lifespan:           50 years
Habitat:            Forest
Diet:     Omnivorous forager
Gestation:         8 months
Predators:         Humans, leopards

Noisy and curious, intelligent and social, the Chimpanzee is the mammal most like a human. Hese beautiful animals are on the verge of extinction as far as animalsof the rain forest are concerened. With the increased loggin and movemenet of people in the chimpanzee naturalhabitat, the remaining few chimpanzee in the world andthe natural forest of Africa are just dwindling. With the plight of these african chimpanzees declining, thre is little which many of the locals or inhabitats who are fighting betweenthe battle of land and the chimpanzee breeding and feeding grounds. Withthe continous increase in bush meed, there is a dire need for awareness about chimpanzee and how these chimpanzee protection programs can be implemented to the locals as.

Chimpanzees fascinate humans and are favorites both in zoos and the wild. Great animal movies and specially chimpanzee movies have helped to bring about the wareness of these endangered chimpanzeein the world. While these chimpanzee bring a lot of happiness to the people who watch chimpanzee movies videos and comedies these beautiful animals when you seem them, their eyes are just special and go deep just as humans gaze to what might be while in a deep thought..
Three subspecies of common chimpanzees are distributed across the forest zone of Africa from Guinea to western Tanzania and Uganda. Another species of chimpanzees, the bonobo (Pan paniscus), is found exclusively in central Democratic Republic of Congo. In East Africa the chimpanzee is found in the wild in Tanzania and Uganda, but only in captivity in many partsof the world. In west Africa ans speciall Ivory Coast, peole have started to visit this rainforest country just to have a glimps of these chimpanzee in their naturalhabiat. These endangered animals are sometimes lucky as in Kenya. Gombe National Park in Tanzania is the first park in Africa specifically created for chimpanzees was created. While a lot of information and education to the young children is still lucking, its just the warenessof these beautiful chimpanzees that can enhanc ethe protection of chimpanzee and bring about a change in the pripmate species and the chimpanzees as a whole.

Physical Characteristics
The chimpanzee has a thickset body with long arms, short legs and no tail. Much of the body is covered with long black hair, but the face, ears, fingers and toes are bare. They have hands that can grip firmly, allowing them to pick up objects. The discovery that they used "tools" for certain purposes surprised the world.

Chimps are mainly found in rain forests and wet savannas. While they spend equal time on land and in trees, they do most of their feeding and sleeping in trees.

Chimps live in groups called troops, of some 30 to 80 individuals. These large groups are made up of smaller, very flexible groups of just a few animals, perhaps all females, all males or a mixed group.

Chimps sometimes chew leaves to make them absorbent and then use them as a sponge, dipping them in water and sucking out the moisture. They also use grass stems or twigs as tools, poking them into termite or ant nests and eating the insects that cling to them. They are able to wedge nuts between the roots of a tree and break the shells open with a stone.

Chimps are both arboreal and terrestrial, spending much of their daytime hours on the ground. They are quadrupedal, walking quickly on all fours with the fingers half-flexed to support the weight of the forequarters on the knuckles. They occasionally walk erect for short distances.

Chimps are agile climbers, building nests high up in trees to rest in during midday and sleep in at night. They construct new nests in minutes by bending branches, intertwining them to form a platform and lining the edges with twigs. In some areas chimps make nests on the ground.

Chimps are diurnal (but often active on moonlit nights) and begin their activities at dawn. After descending from their night nests they hungrily feed on fruits, their principal diet, and on leaves, buds and blossoms. After a while their feeding becomes more selective, and they will choose only the ripest fruit. They usually pick fruit with their hands, but they eat berries and seeds directly off the stem with their lips. Their diet consists of up to 80 different plant foods.

Caring for the Young
The female chimp has an estrus cycle of about 34 to 35 days. While in heat, the bare skin on her bottom becomes pink and swollen, and she may mate with several males. She normally gives birth to just one baby, which clings tightly to her breast and, like a human baby, develops rather slowly. An infant can sit up at 5 months and stand with support at 6 months. It is still suckled and sleeps with its mother until about 3 years of age, finally becoming independent and separating from her at about 4 years. Sexual maturity is reached between 8 and 10 years.

Chimps are among the noisiest of all wild animals and use a complicated system of sounds to communicate with each other. A loud "wraaa" call, which can be heard more than a mile away, warns of something unusual or disturbing. They hoot "hoo-hoo-hoo," scream, grunt and drum on hollow trees with the flat of their hands, sometimes for hours.

Chimps touch each other a great deal and may kiss when they meet. They also hold hands and groom each other. An adult chimp often has a special "friend" or companion with which it spends a lot of time. Female chimps give their young a great deal of attention and help each other with babysitting chores. Older chimps in the group are usually quite patient with energetic youngsters.

The number of chimps in the wild is steadily decreasing. The wilderness areas necessary to their survival are disappearing at an alarming rate as more forests are cut down for farming and other activities. As the human's closest relative the chimp is vulnerable to many of the same diseases, and their capture for medical research contributes to their decline, especially in West Africa. as more forests are cut down for farm activities. In addition, recent outbreaks of the incurable disease Ebola hemorrhagic fever, threaten to decimate important chimpanzee populations in the Republic of Congo and Gabon.

Did you know?
Chimpanzees use large sticks and branches as clubs or throw them at enemies like leopards and humans.
Chimps supplement their diets with meat, such as young antelopes or goats. Their most frequent victims, however, are other primates such as young baboons, colobus monkeys and blue monkeys.

The chimpanzee is irresistible from the moment he is the parents are constantly trying to keep their offspring born. When his milk teeth start to come through, he sucks out of trouble, because this lively and inquisitive and his thumb just the way we did. At first he is unable to frequently slips, falls, bruises himself, pricks himself move about, but within a short time his muscles develop, gets lost in the grass. At two years he can get his own especially in the hands and feet, so that he can hold on to in addition to the milk supplied by his mother. A I his mother’s fur and be carried about. He suckles for a year-old chimpanzee, despite his considerable weight, long time, two or three years; by five months, however, the still sometimes jump on the back of his patient mot baby chimpanzee is ready to leave his mother’s side (but wanting to be carried. He breaks this bad habit whet he never goes out of sight) fir brief periods. At one year reaches puberty between the ages of seven and nine.

Isn’t he lovely? There is nothing to equal the high spirits comical nature of the young chimpanzee. Look at him trying to take his first steps. His mother will help him to walk by placing her hand under his stomach. From this first position he gradually learn to stand upright, but not without lots of turn and falls!

The female chimpanzee is a model mother. She plays with her baby, holds him when he cries, punishes him when he is naughty, shelters him from the drenching equatorial rains, and washes and feeds him with affectionate attention. At eighteen to twenty months the young chimpanzees amuse themselves for hours. They make beds out of branches and leaves, like the ones they share with their mothers until the age of three, play with fruit, drag branches about, and pull petals off flowers and blow them into the air.

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