Baby African Cape Bufallo

Baby African Cape Buffalo

The African Cape buffalo is one of the largest herbivorous and the second largest animal on land as far as the elephant is concerned. As far as some interesting animal facts bout the cape buffalo facts are concerned, there is no other animal as feared by the lion and many other animals in the African savannah other than the African buffalo, or Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) In fact the African Cape buffalo is a distant cousin of the other buffalo species related to the water buffalo. It’s one of the largest land animal and also part of the African Big Five animals or Kenya big 5. The sheer size and the sheer massive horns of the cape buffalo just makes any wild animal or predator to the cape buffalo run for the hills. Many animal safari lovers have managed to capture good videos about the Cape buffalo and a lot of perfect images of the Cape buffalo which are breathe taking. As far as animal attacks are concerned, this beautiful dangerous world animal due to its giant size has razes farms of farmers and there are always conflicts between farmers and these buffalos when they venture out of their natural habitat. Where is the best place to see these jumbo size animals other than the African savannah and mainly in countries such as Kenya Tanzania Zimbabwe South Africa and Angola in many of the national parks such as Masai Mara Kenya and Kruger national park just to mention a few of the best places where you can see cape buffalo in their natural habitat during their migration and looking for greener pastures and breeding grounds.

 As a very hardy animal, these beautiful dangerous African Cape buffalo are found mostly in the African savannah lands where many great animal safaris are not complete without having seen the Cape buffalo. While some say the African Cape buffalo can be tamed as it is the nature of many of the animals in the wild despite the animals being very dangerous or very poisonous, it’s only in the handful of animal lovers and animal professionals who have managed to tame the African Cape buffalo but the majority of these beautiful animals roam wild in the heart of African savannah lands the beautiful dangerous forests and national parks which are of great tourist attraction with all the African wildlife rich with flora and fauna.

Why do people come to Africa for animal hunting trips? Is it because it is easy to go hunting in the jungles of Africa or is it just because there are many opportunities and ways in which you can go hunting in some of the African countries? Well for many of the explores and travelers who had been to Africa, they carried with them tales of some of the most beautiful animal such as the cape buffalo which was difficult to hunt and an animal which was also very difficult to kill as well. It was at times like this when the Cape buffalo earned its name in the top big five animals of Africa as well.

The beautiful dangerous African buffalo, or Cape, buffalo is a member of the African “Big Five" and one of the most dangerous animals in the African Savannah.  These beautiful dangerous animals or African Cape Buffaloes have earned a bad reputation from hunters all over the world who came to Africa on a hunting trip and other people who come in close contact with them.  Very many animal or buffalo documentaries have shown how the buffalo is dangerous and how these beautiful animals work together when there is need. With no proper breeding grounds, just like the wildebeest migration which is always on the move the Cape buffalo will also give birth on the move and the buffalo cub is expected to follow the buffalo family just minutes after its birth. These are just some of the breath taking moments as far as the buffalo facts are concerned. 

The cape buffaloes are unpredictable and can be dangerous. Lions have been known to be killed by these dangerous buffalos while venturing into their natural habitat. On the other hand animals as big as the African elephant and the giant hippopotamus and the black rhino have always had a conflict with the Cape buffalo while in their own natural habitat. With all the variety of animals found in the African savannah there is always conflict and it’s a mater of survival for the prey and predator and when the buffalo is injured or badly wounded, these dangerous buffalo are known to  have ambush men and are often accused of deliberate savagery.  Its all about animal instincts in any eco system where the animals of the wild will act according to the prevailing natural conditions of their given habitat and hence the conflict as mentioned that the buffalo is portrayed as one of the most dangerous species.  There is only one species of buffalo in Africa, but two distinct subspecies exist: the large savanna buffalo and the much smaller forest buffalo. The forest subspecies is only found in central and West Africa in countries such as the democratic republic of Congo, Zaire, Central African Republic, Niger, Benin, Nigeria, Senegal, Cote devour. 

For all those folks who keep cows then you know what a bull is and for all those who have been to Brazil to see a bull fight the exactly know how aggressive these beautiful dangerous animals can be. I think the danger from the Cape buffalo comes from the way the animal looks at you. The stare and the face just makes you to think twice the second time the animal starts coming towards you. If you can run then you can definitely outrun a buffalo but if you are not in a position to run in the buffalo habitat then just count yourself as the breaking news in the latest buffalo animal attack of the year after decades. This amazing African wildlife are just home to the African savannah plains. Another amazing fact about the Cape buffalo is that the buffalo species found in the savannah habitat are large, heavy cow like animals. As far as the shape and size of the buffalos are concerned, the African savannah cape buffaloes   vary greatly a little bit in the shapes of their horns and skin color. The adult cape buffaloes are usually dark gray or black and the young cape buffaloes are often reddish-brown. On the other hand as far s the forest buffalos or west and central African buffalos are concerned,  the smaller forest buffalo have red color even as an adult, although in western Uganda, many savanna buffaloes are also red or pale orange instead of black. 

Do all cape buffalos have horns? If the female Indian elephants don’t have tusks or horns to protect themselves, how about the Cape buffalos as far as animals with horns are concerned? It’s amazing to know that the male and female cape buffaloes have heavy, ridged horns that grow straight out from the head or curve downward and then up. Lions have been attacked and wounded mercilessly; other animals which hunt the cape buffalos have seen the punishment they deserve when they play with these dangerous African buffalos No one should find himself in the midst of such powerful horns of a buffalo. Do you know how strong a buffalos head is? How about comparing it with a rock or something stronger that that.  With tones of sheer tones of steel, these horns can really devastate whatever comes on their way without any mercy. The Cape buffalo’s powerful horns are the perfect weapon for survival for the fittest in the African savannah and for the continuation of generation as well. This is one of the most dangerous animals as far as animal conflict and animal competition in the African savannah is concerned and the dangerous forests of Africa habitat.

For all the African safari travelers who come to see these beautiful dangerous animals, the best place to take good pictures of the buffalo is when they are drinking water near a river or just at any water hole in the African savannah. Both savanna buffaloes and forest buffaloes live close to water. In general buffaloes are found throughout the northern and southern savanna as well as the lowland rain forest. 

African Cape Buffaloes Behavior
The African Cape Buffaloes while in their own natural habitat can live in herds of a few hundred. S o when these great animals of the African savannah or the dangerous forest move, there is always some bellowing and sniffing of the air to smell any unwanted predators which are found in their new habitat or as they keep on migrating from one place or another. Africa and in East Africa, these beautiful animals are just as beautiful as they can be. In the great plains of Africa the African Cape Buffaloes make their annual migration just as the wildebeest and the beautiful zebras which kick start the animal migration which takes place between the national boundaries of Kenya and Tanzania through the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the Masai Mara National Park in Kenya.  The female African Cape Buffaloes and their offspring are always on the move day in and day out only resting a few hours and ready to move just before the sun rises there is no spectacular moment for all the animal safari tourist who come to see these beautiful animals on a safari in Kenya or a safari in south Africa and the rest of the East African countries as a whole.

Great animal socialization and animal bonds are strengthened when the buffalo heard is resting. The African Cape Buffaloes Male usually roams in different directions and sometimes utilizes their time in bachelor groups whereby they just stay in the muddy water and graze at their own will. The African Cape Buffaloes groups are of two types, those that have males from four to seven years of age and those that have males ranging from twelve years and older. The older African Cape Buffaloes move on their own.  The adult African Cape Buffaloes usually do not reach their full weight until about age ten. 

The African Cape Buffaloes Sight and hearing are not very good. In fact the African Cape Buffaloes are blessed with a very good sense of smell and if you happen to be where the wind is blowing, a buffalo can smell you miles and miles away. Many animal hunters are trained to approach the animal they are hunting away from where the wind is blowing otherwise this normally warns the animal being hunted and gives it time to escape even without you noticing a thing. As a rule of thumb, all hunters who go on a hunting safari always try to check the direction of the wind first before they approach the hunting grounds.

Animal breeding in the African savannah is a continuous process. While many animals are born, dangerous predators are there every minute to kill or hunt the weak and the new born baby animals which are very vulnerable and might be easy to attack while they are away from the protection from the heard or just get separated from their mothers. The female African Cape Buffaloes when on heat usually have their first calves at the age of around four or five years. The African Cape Buffaloes  usually  give birth once every two years.  In most of the time the  young  African Cape Buffaloes may be born throughout the year, most births  take place in the rainy season  during the moths of May and July  when  there is plenty of fresh grass  The female African Cape Buffaloes and her calves are always close together. The protection of the buffalo calves is a priority of the whole heard and hence when these beautiful dangerous animals are moving in search of water and green pasture, the little calves are always in the middle of the heard which makes it difficult for the buffalo cubs to be attacked by predators such as the lions, cheetahs hyenas or the African leopard and not forgetting the great African hunting wild dogs as well. Usually after births, the baby African Cape Buffaloes are suckled for as long as a year and during this time are completely dependent on their mothers. Female offspring usually stay in the natal herd, but males leave when they are about the age of four

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