The Baby Penguin


The yellow eyed penguins

The yellow eyed penguins are some of the most amazing penguins from the penguin species found across the different parts of the world. These beautiful yellow eyed penguins are always good to be seen no other than during their breeding season which normally begins in August. Very good yellow eyed penguin’s photographs and videos are made while research of the yellow eyed penguins is also counted to get a glimpse of how these penguins are faring with the existing global warming as well. When they land of the beautiful beaches or coast they embark on constructing and building their nest with any grass, small sticks and any material soft enough to make a cozy home for the new generation of penguins.

Where in the world are you able to find such beautiful amazing animals such as the yellow eyed penguins? These beautiful creatures are just amazing to see. While there are many penguin species found in many parts of the world, the Yellow-eyed Penguin also know as the Hoiho penguins are some of the most amazing animals in their natural environment in many parts of New Zealand.

Many people travel to this beautiful penguin country to see these great beautiful amazing yellow eyed penguins. While there is always a way to see these penguins in their natural habitat, these yellow eyed penguins are some of the most endangered animal sin New Zealand and even having a closer look at them is a problem as man and animal have had a continuous clash hence all the yellow eyed penguins breeding grounds and feeding grounds are protected by law and are restricted and preserved.

One amazing fact about penguins is that the yellow eyed penguin is almost related to the Little Penguin, Eudyptula minor and to the penguins of the genus Eudyptes.  People fro allover the world who love penguins always go to New Zealand and Auckland to see these penguins habitat while the penguins are nesting or just when they have already gotten the baby penguins. As far as these yellow penguins are concerned the penguin species of the yellow eyed penguins is mostly found in areas of South Island of New Zealand, Auckland and Campbell Islands and also Stewart.

 People wonder as to how big a penguin might just be. As far as the size and weight of a penguin is concerned, the yellow eyed penguin is a much bigger penguin and is about 75 cm (30 in) long. As far as the general weight of the penguin is concerned, the yellow eye penguin is about 6.3 kg. Keeping in mind the general penguin’s diet which varies from seasons to season, the penguins generally weigh differently as they keep on feeding in the different waters of the oceans as well during their migration time.

The yellow eyed penguins always lay a maximum of two green eggs. Depending on the breeding season of the penguins, these eggs are laid from around  September and October and within 24 hours they will change to be white in color. Both mother penguin and father penguin will sit or incubate the eggs shifting turns while the other penguin goes to look for food for a period of 38 - 54 days. This period for the penguins is very crucial as there are always other animals of prey which always want to eat or attack penguins while they are away or incubating the eggs. Birds, jackals, wild dogs are just some of the animals and snakes are just as good in eating eggs as any other animal out there.

The yellow eyed penguins will always be vigilant until the penguin chicks are 6 weeks old. When the right time comes along for the baby penguins to start putting their swimming lessons into practice, by March the chicks move and embark on their journey of life and head back when they are old enough to lay eggs. Like any other animals in the wild and in the deep seas, breeding is one of the main reasons as to how these great animals keep on sharing the natural habitat and food chain among the animal kingdom. 

Despite the animal completion and the need for food, global warming and habitat loss is just one main reason why the penguin species are endangered as a result of mans action in many parts of the penguin breeding natural habitats. The yellow eyed penguin loves the forest to go and nest when the time comes. The nesting is usually done in the forests or scrub which is just the perfect place for the penguins to nest mostly in the Native Flax and lupin. Sometimes its amazing to note that as a penguin fact, these penguins can nest in places where you can not imagine. Its jut not on the plain land but as far as steep slopes, deep gullies and the different coastline is just the perfect habitat for penguins to nest.

Like any other animals in the wild and in the deep seas, breeding is one of the main reasons as to how these great animals keep on sharing the natural habitat and food chain among the animal kingdom. Despite the animal completion and the need for food, global warming and habitat loss is just one main reason why the penguin species are endangered as a result of mans action in many parts of the penguin breeding natural habitats. The yellow eyed penguin loves the forest to go and nest when the time comes. 

The nesting is usually done in the forests or scrub which is just the perfect place for the penguins to nest mostly in the Native Flax and lupin. Sometimes its amazing to note that as a penguin fact, these penguins can nest in places where you can not imagine. Its jut not on the plain land but as far as steep slopes, deep gullies and the different coastline is just the perfect habitat for penguins to nest.

Some of the most amazing yellow eyed penguin pictures have been able to be captured by tourists of visitors on vacation in this penguin country in places such as the south-east coast of South Island, Foveaux Strait and Stewart Island where these penguin lovers come to watch some of the largest penguin population I the world. At the moment as far as the penguin population is concerned, there are not that many penguins as they used to be almost a century ago. With the constant illegal penguin hunting and destruction of their breeding habitats the yellow eyed penguin population is about 4000 penguins in the wild. It is not exactly known what will be the population of these beautiful yellow eyed penguins by the turn of the century as far as these exotic penguins are concerned as their plight is in danger. 

It’s amazing to note that while many animals in the African Savannah are always feeding one another or depend on one another for their survival and part of the ecosystem and food chain, the yellow eyed penguins also have their own predators as well. General climatic conditions and normal natural epidemics also take a tall over these great penguins of New Zealand. If its not drought in the Savannah region then its Rider pest disease which kills the African wildlife while as far as the yellow eyed penguins survival is concerned, this penguin species was once threatened by disease way back in the year 2004. What was the result of the penguin disease? It is estimated that the penguin disease which swept along the Otago Penisula killed almost 60% of the baby penguins or penguin chicks. Who was to blame for the death of these penguin chicks? 

If we don’t learn from nature are we going to experience another catastrophe of deaths of penguins in any other parts of the world where penguins rule the land? Are people really prepared to foresee the plight of penguins in the future? I hope the research about penguins which is still ongoing will help pave a way in eradicating some of these unforeseen penguin natural diseases which can have a spillover effect just as the rats in the USA which were washed away by the floods and ended up in the beautiful beaches. Its all part of nature. 

When one part of the ecosystem or food chain is disturbed, well there is always a hue and cry and in the end despite the fact that nature has is own way to heal itself, humans can speed up this process even faster. We just need to love these penguins and have a lot of information about penguins and let the young children be communicated to about penguins so that they can be the true heroes of penguins.

Getting food to eat is of importance when it comes to the penguin.  Well defined territories are what the yellow eyed penguin has to undertake in order to make up the daily diet for the penguin to survival the harsh conditions and the existing survival tactics. This rare exotic penguin looks for food for an area of about 7–13 km offshore. If no food is found within the area, the yellow eyed penguin has to move and cover an area of about 17 km. This is always a very long distant from the rest of the female penguins which might be nesting and one amazing fact about penguins is that the penguins always leave the colony at dawn only to get back during the same evening when the cheeks re being reared. 

If the weather conditions for the penguins are not good, these endangered penguins sometimes stay out at sea for about two to three days. This is the time when the great skills or penguins come to light. 

The penguins dive to great depths of almost 34 meters underwater. This is some of the places where they can get good fish and eat and head back home to their young ones. One might wonder what is the main diet of the penguins especially the yellow eyed penguins is. Fish is the main diet of these great sea creatures. The yellow eyed penguins eat fish and like fish day in and day out. Squids are also a delicacy for the yellow eyed penguins to crown the diet of the yellow eyed penguins.  While different deep sea creatures like different sea animals as part of their diet, the endangered green turtle likes to eat the dangerous jellyfish while the endangered yellow eyed penguins likes to eat the red cod, the blue cod the New Zealand Blueback Sprat and the opalfish.

Getting food to eat is of importance when it comes to the penguin.  Well defined territories are what the yellow eyed penguin has to undertake in order to make up the daily diet for the penguin to survival the harsh conditions and the existing survival tactics. This rare exotic penguin looks for food for an area of about 7–13 km offshore. If no food is found within the area, the yellow eyed penguin has to move and cover an area of about 17 km. This is always a very long distant from the rest of the female penguins which might be nesting and one amazing fact about penguins is that the penguins always leave the colony at dawn only to get back during the same evening when the cheeks re being reared. 

If the weather conditions for the penguins are not good, these endangered penguins sometimes stay out at sea for about two to three days. This is the time when the great skills or penguins come to light. The penguins dive to great depths of almost 34 meters underwater. This is some of the places where they can get good fish and eat and head back home to their young ones. One might wonder what is the main diet of the penguins especially the yellow eyed penguins is. 

Fish is the main diet of these great sea creatures. The yellow eyed penguins eat fish and like fish day in and day out. Squids are also a delicacy for the yellow eyed penguins to crown the diet of the yellow eyed penguins.  While different deep sea creatures like different sea animals as part of their diet, the endangered green turtle likes to eat the dangerous jellyfish while the endangered yellow eyed penguins likes to eat the red cod, the blue cod the New Zealand Blueback Sprat and the opalfish.

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