The tigress’s cubs spend their infancy in the lair where night and day to keep they are born in litters of three to six. They suckle for up to eleven months old, the tiger cubs tend to sleep most of the time and at about seven weeks they will have increased their weight and normally in the wild they weigh from one to four kilogram.

When you see the tigers in the wild, its amazing to note how strange these big cats behave with al their animal instincts. As far as the tiger cubs are concerned, the survival of the cubs depends mostly on the tigress as any other female animal will defend and protect her cubs.
As the saying goes, the tigress
Defends her children like a tigress’ is not just an empty phrase. The first time the cubs are taken to drink they are amazed to see where there is an example: a tigress, braving the flames of a Savannah their reflection in the water. Then, following their mother’s animal instincts the tigress carries her cubs to safety one by one. example, they quench their thirst for as much as they can at the superb vigilance of the tigress.
Unstable to kill their prey, these young tigers are engaged, hut to no avail. With their claws and teeth they attack a pangolin (scaly anteater) she has rolled up tightly in a ball. The other pangolin's safely out of reach.

A tiger cub can be reared artificially for only a short time. As the cub grows, it becomes restless and unpredictable. To avoid tragic consequences it is better to keep it caged or give it to a zoo. Occasionally some surprising encounters occur in the jungle between animals of different species. In this case two young tigers run away from a young bear whose invitation to play was not what they expected.
Tigers and the Big Cats
Tigers have been classified by scientists into eight subspecies: Indian (or Bengal), Indo-Chinese, Sumatran, Amur (or Siberian), South China, Caspian (extinct), Java (extinct), and Bali (extinct). With the tigers numbers going down in Asia where tigers are mostly found, the number of tiger attacks always lingers in many of the people of Asia and where many of these dangerous animal roam the Asian continent. Farmers, poachers, or people who work in the forest find themselves victims of these deadly tigers of Asia. Due to the remoteness of many of where the tiger attacks take place, luck of tiger data and research is still at its hay stage and its just a matter of time which will tell the future of these beautiful Asian tigers which once used to roam the Asian lands and forest freely only ot be hunted for the hides and skins while many parts of the Asian region with deep rooted cultural norms embedded tiger myths and with its sentimental medicinal value.
Once tiger hunting was the sport of the day while today, tiger shoes, wallets, bags, belts are all goods from endangered species and their sale is prohibited by some of the Asian countries but there is still yet at stake while monitoring and the survival of the Asian Tigers
Three tiger subspecies - the Bali, Javan, and Caspian - have become extinct in the past 70 years. The six remaining subspecies - Amur, Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, South China, and Sumatran - live only in Asia, and all are threatened by poaching and habitat loss. Are we going to see the last of the Asian Tigers go beyond extinction. Well with the onset of conservation and breeding of the Asian tigers in captivity the future still remains grim.
Amur (Siberian) Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris altaica
Habitat: The Amur or Siberian tigers are found in coniferous, scrub oak and birch woodlands and forest of Asia and are at home with the way they blend with their surroundings.
Amur (Siberian) Tiger
Location: Tigers in this part of the continent are endangered species and are mostly located in eastern Russia, with a few found in northeastern China and northern North Korea
Interesting fact: With very little Amur or Siberian tigers left, this kind of tiger was almost going to extinct by the 1940s. The Siberian tiger population was almost 40 tigers remaining in the wild. With strict animal rights laws and policing, poaching of the Siberian tiger was reduced and many concerned governments put to action the way forward to conserve these beautiful dangerous Siberian tigers. The Amur tiger population has improved and the total number of Amur tigers has gone up. Despite many human and animal attacks taking place, many of them are reported and caution is always there for people venturing into the tigers habitat.
Bengal (Indian) Tiger
Bengal (Indian) Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris tigris
Habitat: The Bengal tiger is mostly found in dry and wet deciduous forests of Bangladesh which also has rich grassland and temperate forests, mangrove forests
Location: The Indian tiger or Bengal tiger is mostly found in countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar and Nepal. Most of the Bengal tigers are found in India where many of the tiger and animal attacks also take place as the tiger natural habitat and breeding grounds has been encroached with all the advent of human and general environment activities
Interesting fact: As in most cases many of the Bengal tigers are cream or white in color instead of orange, due to a recessive gene for this coloration. These “white” tigers are rarely found in the wild.
Indochinese Tiger
Indochinese Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris corbetti
Habitat: The Indochinese tiger is located in the remote forests along the hilly mountainous and terrain of many of the South East Asian countries.
Location: These dangerous and one of the most deadly animals in the planet are located in Thailand, Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam. With plenty of rainfall and good food supply, the tigers of these region blend very well with their surroundings and stalk their prey with ease and man and animal are not spared at all
Interesting fact: Not many people have good access where these Indochinese tigers live. Its by really proper information, education and communication that these tigers can be properly understood with all their potentials ans some of the most dangerous animals in Asia and the world in general.
Malayan Tiger
Malayan Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris jacksoni
Habitat: The Malayan Tiger is mostly found in the tropical and subtropical moist broad leaf forests where they can blend with nature and attack they prey with ease
Location: The Malayan Tiger are mostly found on the southern tip of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
Interesting fact: It was not until recently that this majestic Malayan tiger was only identified as being a separate subspecies from the Indochinese tiger in 2004. It is very similar to the Indochinese tiger. As no two tigers are similar, the Malayan tiger is smaller in size. Just remember the cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. Wit such configuration, speed and agility with proper protective gear is all what can keep you safe when you encounter such tigers in the forest
South China Tiger
South China Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris amoyensis
Habitat: The South China Tiger is mostly found in areas of montane sub-tropical evergreen forest where they thrive the best
Location: Many of them can be found in areas of central and eastern China
Interesting fact: A lot of data about the South China tigers is limited and the numbers of the South China Tiger ranges between 45 and 65. Most of these dangerous tigers live in Chinese tiger zoos. There are around 18 tiger zoos which keep these beautiful tigers as a way of preserving them to the public and as a future asset for the country. There could be afew pockets of Chinese tigers in captivity and mostof them could be located in south-east China, close to provincial borders.
Sumatran Tiger
Sumatran Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris sumatrae
Habitat: The Sumatran Tiger is a native of the montane forests, the remaining blocks of the island's lowland forest, peat swamps, and freshwater swamp forests. Many of the attacks take place when other animals venture into the tiger's habitat and fall
victims of the tigers.
White Tigers the new generation
Location: With the name itself Sumatra, the Sumatra tigers are only found in this Indonesian island of Sumatra and hence the word Sumatran tigers.
Interesting fact: These tigers tigers are protected by law in Indonesia. Like many of the endagered species, the Sumatran tigers have full animal rights protection and there are tough provisions for jail time and steep fines. Despite increased efforts in tiger conservation, including law enforcement and anti-poaching capacity, a substantial market remains in Sumatra for tiger parts and products.
Tigers blend with their environment
These big cats certainly mean business. With destruction of their natural habitat and a decline in prey species, particularly concerning the tiger and North American mountain lion or cougar, attacks on humans are increasing. The African lion is the biggest and most feared of big cats, but holidaymakers on safari are 100 per cent safe viewing from a vehicle, unless they decide to take a closer look and step down. Mountain lions are found in many national parks and are responsible for six attacks a year in the US and Canada.
Responsible for: Tigers all over the world are estimated to cause around 800 fatalities a year.
Hangs out in: Majority of the tigers and tiger attacks are located in Africa, North America, Siberia and India.
Method of dispatch: With many tiger victims caught unaware, tigers usually surprise their victims by attacking from the back and look to bite the jugular or break the neck. Like any other cat family, the mountain lions stalk their prey and often attack from a vantage point. Presumably they then set about mauling the victim in a manner identical to that we’ve all seen in countless nature programs.
Siberian Tiger
The Siberian tiger is found around mainly Trans-Caucasus. Part of its food chain is mainly composed of wild boar, roe deer, red deer and domestic animals such as dogs, pigs, sheep, horses, donkeys, goats and cattle in winter.
Useful avoidance techniques: To avoid a dangerous tiger attack people should stare them in the eye and don’t look away. To make yourself appear larger by opening your coat; they are unlikely to attack a larger animal, particularly in the case of a mountain lion. DO NOT turn and run – you may as well flash a neon sign asking to be attacked. They can outrun you in any case. Shout, scream and throw stones. If one has you, punch its nose and eyes.
In countries such as Iran feast on gazelle while in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan where boar are available in plenty they top the food chain not to mention dears golden jackals, jungle cats, lynx, dholes, wild horses, wild ass and argali. In Tajikistan and other regions of central Asia, as well as Kazakhstan, tigers frequently attack dogs, horses and rarely camels, hares, rabbits, and fish.
Human beings are also part of the food chain and will be attacked without warning. Many farmers, ordinary people and travelers along the path or terrain of the Siberian tiger have fallen pray to this huge beast which roams the cooler regions of central Asia and the Russian Peninsula.
Due to the booming trade of the tiger skin and presumably its medicinal use, you find those who go out to hunt these few rare endangered species find themselves to be the hunted.
Tigers have been classified by scientists into eight subspecies: Indian (or Bengal), Indo-Chinese, Sumatran, Amur (or Siberian), South China, Caspian (extinct), Java (extinct), and Bali (extinct). With the tigers numbers going down in Asia where tigers are mostly found, the number of tiger attacks always lingers in many of the people of Asia and where many of these dangerous animal roam the Asian continent. Farmers, poachers, or people who work in the forest find themselves victims of these deadly tigers of Asia. Due to the remoteness of many of where the tiger attacks take place, luck of tiger data and research is still at its hay stage and its just a matter of time which will tell the future of these beautiful Asian tigers which once used to roam the Asian lands and forest freely only ot be hunted for the hides and skins while many parts of the Asian region with deep rooted cultural norms embedded tiger myths and with its sentimental medicinal value.
Once tiger hunting was the sport of the day while today, tiger shoes, wallets, bags, belts are all goods from endangered species and their sale is prohibited by some of the Asian countries but there is still yet at stake while monitoring and the survival of the Asian Tigers
Three tiger subspecies - the Bali, Javan, and Caspian - have become extinct in the past 70 years. The six remaining subspecies - Amur, Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, South China, and Sumatran - live only in Asia, and all are threatened by poaching and habitat loss. Are we going to see the last of the Asian Tigers go beyond extinction. Well with the onset of conservation and breeding of the Asian tigers in captivity the future still remains grim.
Amur (Siberian) Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris altaica
Habitat: The Amur or Siberian tigers are found in coniferous, scrub oak and birch woodlands and forest of Asia and are at home with the way they blend with their surroundings.
Amur (Siberian) Tiger
Location: Tigers in this part of the continent are endangered species and are mostly located in eastern Russia, with a few found in northeastern China and northern North Korea
Interesting fact: With very little Amur or Siberian tigers left, this kind of tiger was almost going to extinct by the 1940s. The Siberian tiger population was almost 40 tigers remaining in the wild. With strict animal rights laws and policing, poaching of the Siberian tiger was reduced and many concerned governments put to action the way forward to conserve these beautiful dangerous Siberian tigers. The Amur tiger population has improved and the total number of Amur tigers has gone up. Despite many human and animal attacks taking place, many of them are reported and caution is always there for people venturing into the tigers habitat.
Bengal (Indian) Tiger
Bengal (Indian) Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris tigris
Habitat: The Bengal tiger is mostly found in dry and wet deciduous forests of Bangladesh which also has rich grassland and temperate forests, mangrove forests
Location: The Indian tiger or Bengal tiger is mostly found in countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar and Nepal. Most of the Bengal tigers are found in India where many of the tiger and animal attacks also take place as the tiger natural habitat and breeding grounds has been encroached with all the advent of human and general environment activities
Interesting fact: As in most cases many of the Bengal tigers are cream or white in color instead of orange, due to a recessive gene for this coloration. These “white” tigers are rarely found in the wild.
Indochinese Tiger
Indochinese Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris corbetti
Habitat: The Indochinese tiger is located in the remote forests along the hilly mountainous and terrain of many of the South East Asian countries.
Location: These dangerous and one of the most deadly animals in the planet are located in Thailand, Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam. With plenty of rainfall and good food supply, the tigers of these region blend very well with their surroundings and stalk their prey with ease and man and animal are not spared at all
Interesting fact: Not many people have good access where these Indochinese tigers live. Its by really proper information, education and communication that these tigers can be properly understood with all their potentials ans some of the most dangerous animals in Asia and the world in general.
Malayan Tiger
Malayan Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris jacksoni
Habitat: The Malayan Tiger is mostly found in the tropical and subtropical moist broad leaf forests where they can blend with nature and attack they prey with ease
Location: The Malayan Tiger are mostly found on the southern tip of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
Interesting fact: It was not until recently that this majestic Malayan tiger was only identified as being a separate subspecies from the Indochinese tiger in 2004. It is very similar to the Indochinese tiger. As no two tigers are similar, the Malayan tiger is smaller in size. Just remember the cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. Wit such configuration, speed and agility with proper protective gear is all what can keep you safe when you encounter such tigers in the forest
South China Tiger
South China Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris amoyensis
Habitat: The South China Tiger is mostly found in areas of montane sub-tropical evergreen forest where they thrive the best
Location: Many of them can be found in areas of central and eastern China
Interesting fact: A lot of data about the South China tigers is limited and the numbers of the South China Tiger ranges between 45 and 65. Most of these dangerous tigers live in Chinese tiger zoos. There are around 18 tiger zoos which keep these beautiful tigers as a way of preserving them to the public and as a future asset for the country. There could be afew pockets of Chinese tigers in captivity and mostof them could be located in south-east China, close to provincial borders.
Sumatran Tiger
Sumatran Tiger
Scientific name: Panthera tigris sumatrae
Habitat: The Sumatran Tiger is a native of the montane forests, the remaining blocks of the island's lowland forest, peat swamps, and freshwater swamp forests. Many of the attacks take place when other animals venture into the tiger's habitat and fall
victims of the tigers.
White Tigers the new generation
Location: With the name itself Sumatra, the Sumatra tigers are only found in this Indonesian island of Sumatra and hence the word Sumatran tigers.
Interesting fact: These tigers tigers are protected by law in Indonesia. Like many of the endagered species, the Sumatran tigers have full animal rights protection and there are tough provisions for jail time and steep fines. Despite increased efforts in tiger conservation, including law enforcement and anti-poaching capacity, a substantial market remains in Sumatra for tiger parts and products.
Tigers blend with their environment
These big cats certainly mean business. With destruction of their natural habitat and a decline in prey species, particularly concerning the tiger and North American mountain lion or cougar, attacks on humans are increasing. The African lion is the biggest and most feared of big cats, but holidaymakers on safari are 100 per cent safe viewing from a vehicle, unless they decide to take a closer look and step down. Mountain lions are found in many national parks and are responsible for six attacks a year in the US and Canada.
Responsible for: Tigers all over the world are estimated to cause around 800 fatalities a year.
Hangs out in: Majority of the tigers and tiger attacks are located in Africa, North America, Siberia and India.
Method of dispatch: With many tiger victims caught unaware, tigers usually surprise their victims by attacking from the back and look to bite the jugular or break the neck. Like any other cat family, the mountain lions stalk their prey and often attack from a vantage point. Presumably they then set about mauling the victim in a manner identical to that we’ve all seen in countless nature programs.
Siberian Tiger
The Siberian tiger is found around mainly Trans-Caucasus. Part of its food chain is mainly composed of wild boar, roe deer, red deer and domestic animals such as dogs, pigs, sheep, horses, donkeys, goats and cattle in winter.
Useful avoidance techniques: To avoid a dangerous tiger attack people should stare them in the eye and don’t look away. To make yourself appear larger by opening your coat; they are unlikely to attack a larger animal, particularly in the case of a mountain lion. DO NOT turn and run – you may as well flash a neon sign asking to be attacked. They can outrun you in any case. Shout, scream and throw stones. If one has you, punch its nose and eyes.
In countries such as Iran feast on gazelle while in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan where boar are available in plenty they top the food chain not to mention dears golden jackals, jungle cats, lynx, dholes, wild horses, wild ass and argali. In Tajikistan and other regions of central Asia, as well as Kazakhstan, tigers frequently attack dogs, horses and rarely camels, hares, rabbits, and fish.
Human beings are also part of the food chain and will be attacked without warning. Many farmers, ordinary people and travelers along the path or terrain of the Siberian tiger have fallen pray to this huge beast which roams the cooler regions of central Asia and the Russian Peninsula.
Due to the booming trade of the tiger skin and presumably its medicinal use, you find those who go out to hunt these few rare endangered species find themselves to be the hunted.
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