Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hunting wild animals

Animal hunting the pray and the predator

Animals hunting has existed since man stepped into this world. Now that man has found other ways of getting his food, is there a need for animal hunting? What are the facts about animal hunting have to say? Do people need this sport of moose hunting or its just the other way round. What do we need to hunt or curl the moose, dear, elk and the caribou population in a given animal habitat. I guess the story should start, why did the rich and the wealthy come to Africa to hunt wild animal sand especially to hunt the Big Five? Is this the reason as to why those who liked hunting wanted to extend this pleasure in their own time and just at the back of their wilderness in the different parts of the world where hunting is just another way of human satisfaction as far as the ego is concerned..

For the animal hunting experts, I guess to many the meat is just a delicacy and a way of getting to know with one another while you are out there. The rest of the animal loving people and for the animal rights groups it might be just the perfect reason to work on a new research  as to what should really be done in order to stop this animal killing ritual year in year out where as there are still may parts of the world which don't have these animals where people kill for the sake of trophies rather than re introducing them in places with similar habitat in different parts of the world as well

Despite the fact that animal hunting and killing of animals for the sake or trophy so or as a sport, for most of the animal lovers in the vicinity of these moose, dear elk and caribou territory is just a way to go by the books to control the population as it is done or has been done in many parts of the world to control the spread of animal diseases and for the balance of nature which can only be done by man.  Many animal experts say that as the animals keep on breeding, there is always bound to be lack of space for the animals and hence this population has to be put a check. You have to control the  animal population or these beautiful animals will die in a widespread disease that could wipe out most of the moose in on area. Moose have been  hunted since the beginning for the meat, their fur and for their skin  and will continue. With new techniques of animal hunting, new animal hunting weapons have been introduced to help attack these animals during their hunting season and this new wave or sophisticated hunting weapons will no doubt see the moose and the dear being hunted hunting for the generation and generations to come as in Africa, many many countries still let people go for the big game hunting as part of the foreign exchange earner for their countries. While many animal rights and animal organisations are fighting to help same most of the endangered animals in Africa, there is a dire need for a rule of thumb which should be put into effect when people or countries draw the line as far as animal hunting is concerned..

Animal hunting Season dangerous animal accidents

While many of the natural animal habitat has come into contact with where man lives, animal accidents and moose accidents have just been part of what nature has to offer. The encroachment of many by building roads in the moose natural habitat is just one way which has brought a clash and hence opened new ways for easy access to these animals to be hunted. As a matter of fact, while trying to save these animals being hunted down, there are those people who would just go on the rampage as they drive and  whithout caution end up causing accidents and these beautiful animals end up dead. While a lot of information about animal accidents still remains at the lower level, ways of reducing animal accidents should be implemented at all levels to ensure a smooth process from the vicinity where animals are not endangered to places where animals become a danger to people who are using roads as well

While driving and ways to avoid animal accidents some of the best option is to quickly accelerate to get past the animal in the animal is running in the same direction as you are.  It is difficult to choose this option fast enough to be effective because accelerating feels very counter-intuitive at this point. However, in the right circumstance, it can be your best option to avoid a collision. While animals have their own animal instincts, whatever you do while you are out there in the animal habitat, just do your best and go by the books.

Remember there are strange animals out there as far as moving objects are concerned. Animals are always facinated with light and as a matter of fact a deer will freeze in car lights as you approach even if they are not directly in the roadway and then suddenly come to the road  very fast as you drive close by them. In  such as scenario this will result in the deer hitting the side of the car and causing less danger to the dear or the moose that is hit by the car. To some extent depending onthe speed of the car and the actual concentration of the dtriver, ithis can in some ways make the car overturn and hence caution is of importance and steady hands is what is needed.

As a matter of fact while slowing down could result in the deer being even more likely to hit your car. The best advice for this or to avoid any animal accident may be to keep driving at the speed you are going without any rapid change in speed so as to make the animal aware that you are not a threat to him  or direction and let the deer's natural instincts take care of both of you. It obviously helps to moderate speed in circumstances where this might happen.

Many people who have animal accidents while driving out in the animal habitat are sometimes victims of circumstances. Its not bad luck or luck of good driving skills to many of the folks whoa re out there while driving during these animal migration, some of these animal incidences just take place within a blink of a second and the damage is already done.

With a lot of animal information within the road which one intends to take while passing in the wilderness all makes the difference. Having the idea or what is ahead of you during the entire journey will just give you all the preparation and what to expect and when to expect when you encounter these animals on the road and how to avoid animal road accidents as a whole.

Always people should try to focus ahead about how you would personally react in the situation of a deer or moose appearing before you or trying to cross the road while you are within your speed limit.. This pre-preparation mentally can make your reactions better and calmer and can help save lives of the people in the vehicle as well as the animals crossing the road..

People should be very careful at all times while driving especially in bad weather conditions and also finding yourself in the animal habitat as well. As the saying goes One deer means more deer mainly during the natural animal migration hence caution is of the most importance. Deer, moose and other animals  travel in herds and if you see one the best wy to avoid any animal road accident is to slow right down  as much as possible as there will be many more animals trying to cross the very same road which was empty a few seconds ago. . Moose are less gregarious, so one moose may simply mean one moose but it is still suggestive that more moose are in the area and the mother moose or cows are are always tagging along with their calves.

Its always advisable to be ready of any sudden animal movement swhile you are out there. To help you avoid acidents always where possible use the headlights of other cars  which might be there to help you look out or scan for deer or moose which might be lingering within the vicinity. Always look for  moving animal  shadows within the beams of the other cars for signs of deer or moose that might be on the move soas toavoid any unwanted or unforseen accidents..

Watch for water intersecting with the road - creeks, swamps, and wetlands are moose and deer attractants. The road is an easy pathway out of these waterways for an animal, so there is a higher possibility that they may be around them.

While prevention is better than cure, you wouldn't want to risk the lives of others while you are driving in order to waste no time which you might have lost. Its advisable to rent a room in the nearby motel or just pull over and rest or stay where you are and leave later when the coast is clear and there are no threats which could have impaired your judgement while driving in the animal infested habitat crossing the road.
as you would have felt  that driving around deer/moose is too dangerous. It is better to arrive alive where you are going  and late than to be injured or killed in the name of punctuality.For may animal loving creatures, such a spectacular movement of animals is just a breathtaking moment and great animal videos and animal pictures come in this form if you are lucky to have a handy camera or a nice phone which can take great pictures and carry these great moment with you and to the rest of the world

Be extra aware if there is a fire. Deer and other animals will move quite a distance away from the fire and will cross roads far from their usual areas. Even if the fire is miles away, watch for the animals at any time to be leaving the fire areas.
These tips will NOT work on other hoofed quadrupeds such as horses or reindeer and can only be used safely on deer or moose.
While driving as a general rule you should not drive if you are sleepy or you have had alcohol. Being sober is not only a prerequisite for driving safely, it is also essential for avoiding collisions with animals.
While hunting dear, always be warned that deer whistles are somewhat of a gimmick; do not expect them to work.
The eyes of a moose do reflect light like those of a deer. The problem is that since moose are so tall, their eyes are often above the beams of most passenger vehicles, making it less likely that they will reflect head lights, which can make them especially hard to see at night. Also, moose are dark coloured, increasing the difficulty of seeing them at night.  You should always  drive carefully if you believe there are any moose  or other wild animals trying to cross the road.

With many of the state or interstate roads having been coverd with fences, these fences  along the roads are not an assurance of safety of you and the family and neither is it for the dear or moose. Usually any dear or moose can easily  walk around them, through them or over them. Don't rely on them; for peace of mind, drive carefully instead.
If you swerve away from a deer or moose in the road and hit something else, like a safety rail or tree, your automobile insurance may charge you for an at-fault accident and make you pay your collision deductible. If you hit the animal you will pay your comprehensive deductible, which is often lower than your collision deductible. Don't switch on the vehicle's internal lights. This causes glare on the inside of the windshield which could reduce visibility and make the animals harder to see.

Save the African elephants and the Asian elephants

Endangered African Elephant and the Asian Elephant
Do we need to save the African elephant?  How long have people been helping to save the elphants. Are there any fruits in saving the elephants or its just part of the world politics which everyoneis trying to play andmake headlines in the news as well.

On the other handWhy do elephants attack people? Is it genetic or a revenge from the elephant’s fore fathers who were parched to extinction during the slave trade and the ivory trade centuries ago? Did the African Elephants deserve what they got. These are just part of the rilesof the jungle which  nature has to offer in the elephant world. While a lot of animal and elephant studies have taken place, the questionis do we really know anything about elephants? Do we know what goes on in the minds of the elephants. Had people been able to understand  or to know about the elephants mind, this would have beena steping stone in helping solve the feelingsof manyof the animals we have intheir natrual worl andin captivity as well.

All animals big or small are as wise as they can be. With their own natural animal instincts, animals have some qualities which we humans do nothave or have not been able to tap into it.  As far as elephants are concerned, Elephants just like humans are some of the most intelligent animalsinthe world.
Elephant loving students and reserchers who have spent many years with these beautiful elephants with an aim of saving the elephants have some insight about how elephants need to be saved and as a matter of fact saving all the elephants of the world wherever they are; in zoos, animal sanctuaries or just in captivity or as pets in circuses or elephants who have been tamed ad are considered part of the farm animals with many of the Asian elephants. What don’t we know about the elephant's  habitat and their breeding grounds?  With many of the worlds elephants residing in the African Savannah and in the national parks of Kenya Uganda Tanzania and South Africa, some of these elephants which need to be saved have seen the worst as far as elephants poaching is concerned and there is a hue and cry to save the elephants not from within but from outside as well.

Despite the fact that the global ban on international trade in ivory imposed in 1989 remains and is being adhered to, many of the different African governments are yet to understand the implications of reading between the lines as the same goes to those countries which allow such elephants ivory enter in their countries. As far as the utility value of the elephant tusks remains high, the elephant ivory lucrative market will still lure more to venture into this illicit trade and thereby exposing the elephants to even staggering low numbers as is the casein many of the West African countries.

Have we reached a stage where we can say no to the killing and poaching of elephants while at the same time we keep on buying expensive ornaments and artifacts made from the endangered elephant ivory and other tusks from animals such as the endangered beautiful white rhino and the black which is also on the verge of extinction?  When is the demand of the elegant elephant accessories, goods and expensive jewelry going to stop so that the killings of these beautiful God given African and Asian elephants can stop too?

How many more elephants to we need to save
Can the world  help save the elephant by bolstering anti-poaching patrols, by providing the relevant different elephant neigbouring villages/communities and organizations  the needed tools and  equipment needed to help save the endangered African and Asian elephants? While still water runs deep some subjects which cross national boundaries become too complex  which renders helpless exotic animals of the wild without any spokesman to dare vocalize the plight of the elephants and the dire need to save them. Has a lot been done to save the African elephant and the Asian elephants?  Is something being done to save these elephants in different parts of the continent? Many elephants and animal activist have gone miles and to create elephant awareness, elephant education, the different elephant behavior and two thumbs up for those who have been able to put the elephants into better use as far as farming and helping the community in the Asian region is concered.
The elephant tusks belong to the elephants just as our teeth in us
Well on the other hand, with the demand of timber on the rise and degradation of the fauna of the Asian region, the elephant has played much of the role in bringing the trees to our homes in terms of furniture, construction and all the fitting which comes up from the logs where the elephant is used as a beast of burden. Should people be optimistic in saving the worlds climate or saving the elephants on a need come basis?

With vast open lands poachers hunt elephants and  day in day out

With so many vehicles which are deemed un road worth saving the elephants with such an asset with these vehicles  being impounded in bonded warehouses and underground parking just because they were not cleared or didn't have enough papers would these vehicles serve as a helping had to speed up the patrols in such elephant risk prone areas if the vehicles are repaired or  purchased and given to the needy organizations so that they can be able to stand on their feed with all the economic crunch. I guess the economics and laws of the land have to be tabulated and be considered as well. But with little bargaining power saving the elephants or such endangered animals not forgetting the near extinct flora and fauna of the elephant habitat will just perish just within our blinking eyelids spectrum.
For the protection of all endangered animals, the great African elephants, the Rhino, the lions, the cheetahs and the leopard just to mention a few  in most third world countries where there is an abundant of wild life and animals which need to be protected, vehicles to patrol are some of the simplest ways to be used to pave way in apprehending the culprits. On the other hand, two way radios or effective communication to enhance  surveillance saves all the time and energy in saving the elephants and the other wild animals which might also fall prey in the hands of poachers as well equipment.

Is that just enough to save the elephants and the story just ends with a happy ending? With proper elephant protection legislation being implemented and ratified, that just a mile stone in saving the elephants which are remaining in the wild. Do we have any success stories about elephants in the different parts of the wild. The yard stick for the protection, conservation and breeding of the elephants is way complicated as part of the data is not forth coming. Despite the fact that Google maps help locate most of the elephants which have been flitted with collar tracking devices, the protection and saving of the elephants though still on its hay stages some people have been made proud in seeing many more active role in terms of active elephant research being carried out and people with the elephant passion getting involved and understanding the minds of the elephants the way they associate with other elephants, the way elephants migrate and the way they respond to natural calamities seconds before disasters as well.
If people managed to save the Serengeti animal migration highway, what would it cost to save the rest of the worlds elephants. On the other hand the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) has played a very big role in creating awareness in terms of the elephant numbers where by  the number of  the Africa's elephant population was 1,300,000 in the 1980. Just a few years later the number plunged to around  625,000 in African countries. Kenya and Mali were the only countries which had refused to sell their stock pile of the ivory captured in different parts of the world in the illegal ivory trade. While most of the elephants still become endangered its through proper involvment of the general masses through education of the elephants, sharing of  elephant information and above all imparting or giving information about elephants to those who need it and those it might be intended for.
This painstaking episode of saving the  elephant and all the wild elephants at large started almost 20 years ago when the ban on the sale of Ivory was brought about but has the sailing been easy?  With all the deep waters which cover the vast area of the Savannah and the worlds great oceans and seas, mankind has played part in bringing the elephants to a grinding halt  just because of the glamour and fashion. With the little awareness which ensued, most of the countries against the illegal trade of ivory had no better way of ending the elephants onslaught just because of its elephant utility it provides while female elephants and the young elephants are left without any hopes of their forefathers being there to trace back their elephant train from the tip of Africa way down to the Kruger plains in South Africa.
With less animal migration corridors being on the verge of near extinction due to the population boom, many families living within the elephant natural breeding grounds have had problems with elephants. Many of the elephants end up dead as a result of DDT and some other chemicals easily available in many of the local shops in the villages or cities which is thrown in many of the animal water holes or ponds while some are just killed with poisonous arrows and are left to die as a result of their movement which meanderings to people farms and residential areas. That being part of nature, many of the victims of animal and elephant attacks have well been compensated in terms of animal being injured as a result of the elephant attacks, people being killed or wounded as a result of the elephants and property as well which is way well in place. 
 and renovate ranger housing. With your help, we partner with local governments on projects that educate local communities on the value of protected areas and parks, defuse human-elephant conflicts and improve the infrastructure needed to better protect these magnificent ecosystems.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Snow Leopard

True Wild Life | Snow Leopard | The snow leopard  is a moderately large cat native to the mountain ranges of South Asia and Central Asia. Although sharing its name with the common leopard, the snow leopard is not believed to be closely related to the Leopard or the other members of the Pantherine group and is classified as the sole member of the genus Uncia uncia. The classification of this species has been subject to change and its exact taxonomic position will not be resolved until further studies are conducted.

Snow leopards live between 3,000 and 5,500 metres above sea level in the rocky mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. Their secretive nature means that their exact numbers are unknown, but it has been estimated that between 3,500 and 7,000 snow leopards exist in the wild and between 600 and 700 in zoos worldwide. 

Snow leopards are carnivores and actively hunt their prey, though, like all cats, they are opportunistic feeders, eating whatever meat they can find, including carrion and domestic livestock. The Snow Leopard eats goats, sheep, rabbits and birds. It can catch prey over 3 times its own weight!

At one time, the Snow Leopard was nearly hunted into disappearance for its fur. Its rare, beautiful fur could sell for a very high price. Now, conservation actions, for the Snow Leopard's numbers are slowly becoming popular. Sadly, the hunters kill the leopard for its fur, and some leopards are killed by people to protect domestic goats.

Iberian Lynx

True Wild Life | Iberian Lynx | The Iberian lynx also known as Spanish lynx is a critically endangered species native to the Iberian Peninsula in Southern Europe. It is one of the most endangered cat species in the world. The species used to be classified as a subspecies of the Eurasian Lynx, but is now considered a separate species. Both species occurred together in central Europe in the Pleistocene epoch, being separated by habitat choice. Iberian lynx resembles other species of lynx, with a short tail, tufted ears and a ruff of fur beneath the chin. Iberian lynx has leopard-like spots with a coat that is often light grey or various shades of light brownish-yellow. The coat is also noticeably shorter than in other lynxes, which are typically adapted to colder environments.

In spite of its strong resemblance to the Eurasian Lynx, the Iberian Lynx has a smaller body and the facial features of a house cat. Iberian lynx typically hunts smaller animals, usually no larger than hares. It also differs in habitat choice, with Iberian lynx inhabiting open scrub and Eurasian lynx inhabiting forests.

The Iberian Lynx must really like rabbit because it accounts for an amazing 80% of their diet. They also eat young deer and duck. At one time, rabbits disappeared due to an epidemic outbreak and the number of Iberian Lynx plummeted. This is because rabbits are its main food. Today, development continues to destroy forest environments and could trigger another decline in rabbits. If that happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the already scarce population of Iberian Lynx.

There are only a few forests in Spain and Portugal where the remaining Iberian Lynx live, making them one of the most critically endangered species of the Felidae family. Forest development is one of the main reasons they have become so rare. Their habitat has diminished and they live sporadically due to roads and towns being built in the forest. Further damage comes from poachers who continue to violate bans on their hunting.

Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frog

True Wild Life | Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frog | The Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frog is a species of frog in the Ranidae family. It is endemic to Japan. Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frogs only live in the northern main island of Okinawa. Not like the other frogs, Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frogs have nostrils at the tip of their faces. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and rivers. It is threatened by habitat loss. Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frogs enjoy eating small bugs or centipedes, and some shellfishes on the land.

Now, the forests that Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frogs need for living became smaller because people cut down trees to build dams and roads. Many people come to see rare Ryukyu Tip-Nosed Frogs with their own eyes, but their visits hurt the environment. Exotic animals in Okinawa can adapt to the changes in nature. But they are not comfortable living with dams or roads, and being gazed by humans.